HIPLA is seeking volunteer oral argument judges and brief graders for the Southern Regional Competition of the 2024 AIPLA Giles Sutherland Rich Memorial Moot Court Competition, which will be held at the Bob Casey United States Courthouse on March 22-23, 2024. We would very much appreciate your help with this event, which is one of HIPLA’s key annual events.
Brief graders will grade at least 5-6 briefs by the end of February. Judges will hear oral arguments in person on March 22nd (after 5 pm) and March 23rd (mid-morning). You may volunteer for one or both days, and as both a brief grader and judge!
You are also invited to attend a reception at Sambuca following the conclusion of the Friday round.
If you are able to help HIPLA with this event, please notify Jonathan Hernandez at the contact information below, and let him know whether you are interested in being an oral argument judge and/or brief grader. Additional information can be found at:
For any questions, please contact:
Jonathan Hernandez jhernandez@akingump.com (713) 250-2162
Jonathan Hernandez
(713) 250-2162
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Have an idea for HIPLA's next CLE?
HIPLA welcomes members to submit proposals for CLE programs for 2022:
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