Welcome to HIPLA

The Houston Intellectual Property Law Association is an organization of intellectual property lawyers, patent agents, and law student affiliates primarily in the Houston, Texas area. Through regular meetings, sponsored CLE opportunities, and amicus briefs, HIPLA promotes the development and understanding of intellectual property law.


Upcoming HIPLA events

Other Events of Interest

HIPLA's Annual Dinner Honoring the Federal Judiciary

HIPLA is proud to announce the Annual Dinner Honoring the Federal Judiciary will be held on Thursday, March 27, 2025. The Keynote Speaker is Justin Cronin, Rice University Writer-in-Residence and best selling author.

This year's event will be held at the Four Seasons hotel in downtown Houston starting at 6:30 with a reception followed by dinner at 7:30 pm.

For more information, please contact Leisa Talbert Peschel at 713-752-4278 or lpeschel@jw.com.

Happy Hour with PTAB Judges

It was an honor to host a happy hour after the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) roadshow, in conjunction with The Honorable Nancy F. Atlas Intellectual Property American Inn of Court. As a community of IP professionals, we were thrilled to have the opportunity to hear from PTAB judges on best practices to succeed in an ex parte appeal.

Chief Judge Scott Boalick, Judge Georgianna Braden and Judge Ifti Ahmed shared valuable insights on effectively arguing (both written and oral) against a patent examiner’s rejections.

Thank you for your visit and for your ongoing dedication to advancing the field of intellectual property.

2025 Fall Institute in Galveston, TX

Check Back for More Information!

The 41st Annual Institute on Intellectual Property Law will be held on Thursday, September 25th, starting mid-day, through Saturday, September 27st, ending mid-day, 2025, at Moody Gardens Hotel.

This is a major continuing legal education ("CLE") event attracting several hundred intellectual property professionals from across Texas and the nation, and is held in conjunction with the University of Houston Institute for Intellectual Property & Information Law ("IPIL").  Link to the IPIL event website here (including FAQ).

More details about the keynote speaker and other fun events are forthcoming.

Review past programs at the IPIL archive: here.


Registered Patent Agents, Patent Engineers*, Technical/Scientific Advisors*, and Intellectual Property Managers*: We want to hear from you! What can HIPLA do for you? What would you like to see more of from the organization? What events and activities would benefit you? Please send your ideas/suggestions to Sahana Annadorai, the chair of HIPLA’s new Patent Agent & Intellectual Property Managers Committee.

We will also be hosting events in 2025 specifically targeting patent agents to discuss your ideas and to network with your peers. More details to come soon!

*HIPLA membership is limited to registered patent agents and attorneys in good standing with any state bar who practice IP law; student and retired status memberships are also available.

If you have questions about HIPLA, please contact the HIPLA secretary. If you have questions about this website or would like to notify us about IP events to be added to our calendar, please contact the HIPLA Website Chair.

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